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Referral Program

Join the Startups Australia Referral Program and Earn 10% Commission by Referring Clients to our services.

Are you passionate about helping businesses succeed? Do you have a network of potential clients who could benefit from the innovative services offered by Startups Australia?

Become a Referral Partner and start earning today!


  • Earn 10% commission on every successful referral.

  • Help your network access valuable services to grow their business.

  • Free to join and easy to manage.

How it Works:

  1. Sign up for the program by filling out the form below.

  2. Receive a unique referral code.

  3. Share your code with your network (website, social media, email marketing, etc.).

  4. Clients use your code at checkout to receive a 5% discount.

  5. Earn 10% commission on every successful referral.

Ready to Get Started? 

Please click on this form to register for the Startups Australia Referral Program.


What We Do

We provide various services tailored to startups such as business consulting, mentorship, and advisory services.

Startup Support Services

We offer coaching programs designed to help founders navigate the challenges of starting and scaling a business.

Guidance and Coaching

We facilitate networking events, workshops, and conferences to connect startup founders with industry experts, potential investors, and fellow entrepreneurs.

Networking Opportunities

We provide access to resources such as market research, funding opportunities, and marketing support specifically geared towards startups.

Access to Resources

We offer a platform where startups can interact, share experiences, and collaborate.

Community Building

We advocate for the interests of startups within Australia, lobbying for supportive policies and fostering a conducive environment for startup growth.

Promotion of Startup Ecosystem

  • We partner with government bodies, incubators, accelerators, and industry associations to exchange expertise and resources.

  • We coordinate joint initiatives and programs that benefit the startup community, such as joint workshops, masterclasses, or funding opportunities.

  • We advocate for policies that support startup growth and innovation through collaborative efforts with ecosystem leaders.

  • We share knowledge and best practices with ecosystem partners to foster a robust, interconnected and inclusive startup ecosystem in Australia.

Collaboration with Ecosystem Leaders


You're probably

  • What is Startups Australia?
    Startups Australia is a support organisation focused on creating a direct and measurable impact on your startup's success. We offer business support services designed to address the key challenges founders face, particularly those critical for building a viable and sustainable business model. We believe our services complement what other support organisations such as accelerators, incubators, coworking spaces, and business hubs offer.
  • What are the benefits of working with Startups Australia?
    Targeted Support: We focus on the areas founders struggle with the most, ensuring your guidance is directly relevant to your specific needs. Hands-on Approach: Our approach goes beyond basic support, providing a more personalised experience to help you navigate challenges and achieve your goals. Measurable Impact: We are data-driven and committed to demonstrating the positive impact of our services on your startup's success. Complementary Services: We believe our services work alongside those offered by other organisations, providing a holistic support system for your startup journey.
  • How can Startups Australia help me?
    We offer a range of services to support your startup journey, from initial idea development to securing funding and achieving sustainable growth. Here are some examples: Business Model Development Financial Planning & Growth Strategies Marketing & Sales Strategy Fundraising Support & Investment Memorandum Optimisation Website & E-commerce Development Develop a Clear Vision, Mission, and Growth Roadmap Ongoing Support & Accountability
  • What are your service fees?
    Our services are designed to be accessible, with services and plans starting at just $150. We offer a variety of packages to suit your specific needs and budget. Contact us today for a free consultation to discuss your options.
  • How do I get started with Startups Australia?
    The easiest way to get started is to visit our website or contact us directly. We offer a free consultation where we can learn more about your startup and discuss how our services can help you achieve your goals.
  • Who is Lydia, the founder of Startups Australia?
    Dr Lydia Canovas is an entrepreneur with extensive experience in the startup ecosystem. Through her research and work with startups, investors, accelerators, incubators, and startups worldwide, she identified a gap in the support available to founders. Startups Australia was born from this insight, with the mission of providing a more hands-on and impactful approach to supporting startup success. Prior to founding Startups Australia, Lydia co-founded YarakSeed, a private investment company based in Spain. After her exit, she moved to Australia with her family and joined Smart Precinct as a Business and Investment Lead and Senior Growth Advisor. In this role, she provided valuable support through mentoring and accelerator programs to over 350 startups, facilitated investor introductions and pitch events, and spearheaded strategic projects like the QLD Circular Economy Industry & Research Program by the Department of Environment, Science and Innovation (DESI). Beyond meetings with founders and investors, she stays active in the innovation ecosystem through university lectures and industry events. When time permits, she explores Australia's beauty through hiking and expresses her creativity with abstract fluid painting. With Lydia's deep knowledge, experience and connections in the Australian and international innovation ecosystem, your startup has a direct line to the support and resources you need to thrive, from idea to growth phase.
  • Who delivers the services?
    Dr Lydia Canovas, an experienced entrepreneur, leads our team of experts who deliver our services. Her extensive experience and network are invaluable assets, complemented by the diverse skills and knowledge of our team members. This ensures you receive well-rounded, hands-on support throughout your startup journey.
  • How do you provide your services?
    We believe in flexibility and meeting you where you're at! While we're based in Townsville, Australia, we leverage technology to provide our services completely online. This allows us to collaborate effectively with clients across Australia and even overseas. Here's how we typically work with clients: Initial Consultation: We start with a virtual meeting to understand your specific needs and goals. Strategy Development: We use online tools and collaborative platforms to develop a customised plan tailored to your business. Project Management & Communication: We keep you informed throughout the process with regular online check-ins and progress reports. Virtual Meetings & Support: This includes weekly, fortnightly, or monthly coaching sessions, depending on your specific needs and the project stage. We conduct these virtual meetings to discuss strategy, answer questions, and provide ongoing support. This approach allows us to provide high-quality services efficiently and cost-effectively, regardless of location. Get Started!

Let's work together

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