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Startup Growth, Simplified

Launch and scale your startup with the help of Startup Australia's hands-on experts.


Hands-on support & expert services to accelerate your growth.


Feeling Overwhelmed Running Your Business?

We Can Help!

Are you a passionate founder juggling too many hats and struggling to grow your business?


You are not alone. Many founders feel overwhelmed by the daily grind—too many tasks and not enough hands to delegate them to. Wearing all the hats in your business can be exhausting and take a toll on your health.

Startups Australia is here to help! We step in to become a part of your team, offering guidance throughout your journey. We identify gaps, pinpoint areas for improvement, prioritise tasks, and bring structure and systems to the chaos. We understand the unique challenges you face and are committed to helping you navigate every aspect of launching and scaling your startup.

We go beyond providing services; we empower you to become a confident business leader. Our goal is to equip you with the tools and knowledge necessary to foster your startup's growth. This includes personalised startup coaching, access to market research, and introductions to potential investors.


Empower your startup
with our support services 


Investment Readiness & Capital Acquisition

We specialise in crafting winning investment pitches, guiding you in building robust proposals and business models, and unlocking access to ideal investors, grants, and diverse funding avenues. Our expertise maximises your chances of securing the capital you need to fuel growth.


Sales & Growth Strategies

We develop data-driven marketing plans and sales strategies to attract your ideal customers and convert them into loyal brand advocates.


Streamlined CRM Implementation & Management

We streamline customer interactions, enhance team collaboration on projects, and optimise your sales process with user-friendly CRM systems, empowering your team to achieve seamless communication, efficient workflows, and maximise sales opportunities.


Strategic Planning & Business Development

We ignite your company's vision, set achievable and measurable goals, and craft a strategic roadmap to fuel continuous innovation and secure sustainable growth, empowering you to achieve lasting success.


Market Research
& Data-Driven Marketing 

From market research to high-converting campaigns and seamless sales funnels, we leverage data analytics to design a strategy that maximises your ROI.


Financial Modelling & Goal Setting

We guide you in setting clear financial objectives, implement powerful financial tracking systems for real-time insights, and empower you to make data-driven decisions that fast-track your startup success.


Accountability Coaching & Business Mentorship

We help you stay motivated, accountable, and achieve your goals with ongoing support and expert coaching, including personalised one-on-one sessions and group workshops led by Dr Lydia Canovas.


Other Essential Services

We streamline your project execution by finding and managing top freelance talent for IT development, branding, bookkeeping, IP protection, website design and development, e-commerce setup, administrative support, and virtual assistant services.


About us

Dr Lydia Canovas is a veteran in the startup world, bringing over 15 years of experience as an entrepreneur, researcher, investor, and mentor.

Her journey has taken her across the globe, where she has witnessed the triumphs and pitfalls of startups firsthand.


This wealth of knowledge fueled her passion to empower others, leading her to work with accelerators, launch her own ventures, co-found an investment firm, and connect entrepreneurs with investors. Ultimately, Lydia's dedication to fostering innovation culminated in the creation of Startups Australia, a one-stop shop designed to guide aspiring founders through their entrepreneurial journeys.


Our team of experts complements existing support organisations by providing the hands-on guidance you need.  With services starting at just $150, Startups Australia takes you from initial idea to investment-ready and beyond.


We offer the essential support to develop a strong business model, secure funding, launch new products and services, and propel your venture's growth.


Our mission is clear

To Empower Startup Founders to Launch and Scale Thriving Businesses in Australia.


Strength that speaks for itself


We focus on the areas founders struggle with the most.


We provide personalised guidance and mentorship.


We use successful past strategies to inform our approach.


Examples of our work

Sarah was facing marketing hurdles and funding obstacles and turned to us for help. We offered her practical guidance in shaping an investment-ready and sustainable business model, with a particular emphasis on leveraging social impact technology. By optimising operations, sourcing cost-effective manufacturing solutions, and crafting digital marketing strategies for her online store, we empowered her to take her business to the next level. We also worked closely with Sarah to create an engaging pitch deck, identify funding opportunities, and forge connections with key suppliers and investors.

Through our collaboration, Sarah's business not only secured seed funding but also positioned itself as a tech-driven force for positive change. Her venture is now on track to create new jobs, develop cutting-edge products, and contribute to the growing ecosystem of social impact startups that are shaping a more sustainable future.

From Passion Project to Profitable Business

Joseph's innovative sports and gaming app, designed to create a more positive and engaging learning environment for teachers and students through positive reinforcement, showed immense potential. However, despite its promise, the app struggled to gain traction in a competitive market. Faced with challenges such as navigating regulations, enhancing user experience, and expanding his user base, Joseph turned to us for support.

We provided practical guidance by conducting in-depth market research and helping craft a compelling grant proposal. We also connected Joseph with experienced app developers, intellectual property lawyers, and industry experts. Together, we refined the app's features to align with the latest trends in educational technology and developed a targeted marketing strategy that resonated with educators and students.

Bridging the Gap with Practical Support

Ian's company had a strong creative product and service offering but struggled with generating consistent revenue and converting leads into loyal customers. Seeking to turn things around, he approached us for guidance. Using a data-driven approach, we helped Ian explore new e-commerce opportunities and refine his sales funnel through a detailed analysis of customer behaviour. By identifying key performance indicators (KPIs) crucial for growth, we provided a clear roadmap for success.

We also collaborated on launching a targeted digital marketing campaign across multiple social media platforms, tailored to insights drawn from customer data. This strategic shift led to a significant increase in revenue and allowed Ian to innovate and develop new products, strengthening his company's position as a leader in the creative industry.

Data-Driven Growth


You're probably

  • What is Startups Australia?
    Startups Australia is a support organisation focused on creating a direct and measurable impact on your startup's success. We offer business support services designed to address the key challenges founders face, particularly those critical for building a viable and sustainable business model. We believe our services complement what other support organisations such as accelerators, incubators, coworking spaces, and business hubs offer.
  • What are the benefits of working with Startups Australia?
    Targeted Support: We focus on the areas founders struggle with the most, ensuring your guidance is directly relevant to your specific needs. Hands-on Approach: Our approach goes beyond basic support, providing a more personalised experience to help you navigate challenges and achieve your goals. Measurable Impact: We are data-driven and committed to demonstrating the positive impact of our services on your startup's success. Complementary Services: We believe our services work alongside those offered by other organisations, providing a holistic support system for your startup journey.
  • How can Startups Australia help me?
    We offer a range of services to support your startup journey, from initial idea development to securing funding and achieving sustainable growth. Here are some examples: Business Model Development Financial Planning & Growth Strategies Marketing & Sales Strategy Fundraising Support & Investment Memorandum Optimisation Website & E-commerce Development Develop a Clear Vision, Mission, and Growth Roadmap Ongoing Support & Accountability
  • What are your service fees?
    Our services are designed to be accessible, with services and plans starting at just $150. We offer a variety of packages to suit your specific needs and budget. Contact us today for a free consultation to discuss your options.
  • How do I get started with Startups Australia?
    The easiest way to get started is to visit our website or contact us directly. We offer a free consultation where we can learn more about your startup and discuss how our services can help you achieve your goals.
  • Who is Lydia, the founder of Startups Australia?
    Dr Lydia Canovas is an entrepreneur with extensive experience in the startup ecosystem. Through her research and work with startups, investors, accelerators, incubators, and startups worldwide, she identified a gap in the support available to founders. Startups Australia was born from this insight, with the mission of providing a more hands-on and impactful approach to supporting startup success. Prior to founding Startups Australia, Lydia co-founded YarakSeed, a private investment company based in Spain. After her exit, she moved to Australia with her family and joined Smart Precinct as a Business and Investment Lead and Senior Growth Advisor. In this role, she provided valuable support through mentoring and accelerator programs to over 350 startups, facilitated investor introductions and pitch events, and spearheaded strategic projects like the QLD Circular Economy Industry & Research Program by the Department of Environment, Science and Innovation (DESI). Beyond meetings with founders and investors, she stays active in the innovation ecosystem through university lectures and industry events. When time permits, she explores Australia's beauty through hiking and expresses her creativity with abstract fluid painting. With Lydia's deep knowledge, experience and connections in the Australian and international innovation ecosystem, your startup has a direct line to the support and resources you need to thrive, from idea to growth phase.
  • Who delivers the services?
    Dr Lydia Canovas, an experienced entrepreneur, leads our team of experts who deliver our services. Her extensive experience and network are invaluable assets, complemented by the diverse skills and knowledge of our team members. This ensures you receive well-rounded, hands-on support throughout your startup journey.
  • How do you provide your services?
    We believe in flexibility and meeting you where you're at! While we're based in Townsville, Australia, we leverage technology to provide our services completely online. This allows us to collaborate effectively with clients across Australia and even overseas. Here's how we typically work with clients: Initial Consultation: We start with a virtual meeting to understand your specific needs and goals. Strategy Development: We use online tools and collaborative platforms to develop a customised plan tailored to your business. Project Management & Communication: We keep you informed throughout the process with regular online check-ins and progress reports. Virtual Meetings & Support: This includes weekly, fortnightly, or monthly coaching sessions, depending on your specific needs and the project stage. We conduct these virtual meetings to discuss strategy, answer questions, and provide ongoing support. This approach allows us to provide high-quality services efficiently and cost-effectively, regardless of location. Get Started!

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